Project management
Organizing a Mid Term Meeting
Organizing the project steering committee meetings
Organizing the closing meeting
Procurement of office supplies
Procurement of the equipment required for project management
Train the trainers
Selection of the professionals that will become trainers
Train the trainers by Norwegian experts
Drafting the training curricula
Organizing one study visit to other state in Europe for the Romanian specialists to identify the best practices in UXO removal missions
Organizing one study visit to Romania for the Norwegian experts to analyze the current training system in search & rescue and UXO removal missions
Elaborating the first draft of the training curricula
Elaboration of the second draft of training curricula
Organizing one study visit to Norway for identifying best practices and elaborating the third draft of training curricula
Elaboration of the final version of the training curricula
Training sessions
Conducting training sessions for IGSU’s operative personnel in Romania
Public procurement of technical means and equipment
Specialized equipment purchased by IGSU for IGSU and subordinated units
Public procurement of operative vehicles for IGSU and subordinated units
Press conference and press release on the occasion of the mid-term meeting in Romania
Press conference and press release on the occasion of the Wrap up meeting in Romania
Elaboration, public procurement and distribution of the visibility and promotional materials
Set up project web page